Coffee Break
Join Dianne Whitford from Coffee, Grit and Inspiration for brief thoughts on leadership, personal growth and development, and self-improvement! Topics range anywhere from emotional intelligence to militant authenticity to work/life balance and more. Come take a quick coffee break and have a listen!
Podcasting since 2019 • 31 episodes
Coffee Break
Latest Episodes
S4E2: Personal Growth Isn't Trivial...And Other Topics
This is an episode we recorded back in July 2020 before the election madness. It's about how things like working on yourself, personal growth, and other seemingly "trivial" things can help you find a little balance amidst the craziness. Along w...
Season 4
Episode 2

S4E1: It Matters - Even Though It's Uncomfortable
Back from what some might consider a vacation, but I just consider a ton of WORK. This episode is one that Carter and I felt we needed to do, even though it felt weird, and a little awkward. Like many of you, we're trying to be better. Come joi...
Season 4
Episode 1

S3E9: Being Yourself At Work: Pros, Cons, and Patent Leather Pants
Today I'm joined by my friend Carter and we're continuing in the same vein of militant authenticity talked about in Season 3 Episode 6. Listen in as we discuss being an authentic jerk, how you may be defining yourself, and how - perhaps - paten...
Season 3
Episode 9

S3E8: How Multitasking Isn't All It's Cracked Up to Be
Multitasking is kind of one of those things where you might feel like you SHOULD be doing it, or maybe you think you should be doing it better. The reality is though, multitasking prevents you from doing an individual task well, it prevents you...
Season 3
Episode 8

S3E7: Self-Care and Self-Compassion Even When Stuck At Home
Even in the best of times, self-care and self-compassion are so very important. In these times, it becomes even more critical to safeguard your mental and physical wellbeing. Even though you may be locked down right now, there are things you ca...
Season 3
Episode 7